Latest news and results from Jan.

Results updated including Sandbach 10k and July Parkruns
All other results are found here
Latest Tables
Click on the links below to see the league table you are interested in:
Click here to see results up to and including June
Click here to see fixture list
Latest News:
New Members can read about the race series here:
12th August
15 will be pleased that they endured the heat at Sandbach today for what turned out to be a pretty good points haul
Remaining Races:
Running Bear Track Mile | Track | 30/08/2024 | Transforming Lives – |
Cheshire Half Marathon | Road | 08/09/2024 | Cheshire Half Marathon 2024 – Capesthorne Hall – RunThrough UKUse this discount code RUNCLUBWRCHM20% |
Knutsford 10k | Road | 29/09/2024 | Barclays Knutsford 10K 2024 – Run North West |
Macc Festival (Half or 10k) | Road | 27/10/2024 | Macclesfield Running Festival 10k & Half Marathon (Half or 10k ONLY)Use this discount code RUNCLUBWRCMRF20 |
MACCL XC fixture | XC | November | |
Wilmslow Festive 10k | Road | 24/11/2024 | Wilmslow Festive 10K 2024 – Run North West |
8th August
The work being carried out on the track this year clearly is a priority and will be great for all of us come the winter. Last year was fantastic in terms of the number of finishers completing 12 or more races and thus qualifying for a Series 23 top. This does put pressure on our club finances however, so the tough decision is to not give tops as a prize for all completing 12 races. Mugs for 7 races and other prizes will still be awarded.
I’ve been wondering if people qualifying for a top would like to purchase one at cost. Let me know any thoughts you have and I’ll look into it.
Forthcoming Events:
11 August – Sandbach 10k, sold out so transfers only Sandbach 10k | AV Timing
30 August – the second Running Bear Track Mile.. test your speed, can you set a pb? Transforming Lives –
8 September- Cheshire Half Marathon. Fast and flat! Use this discount code RUNCLUBWRCHM20% Cheshire Half Marathon 2024 – Capesthorne Hall – RunThrough UK
29 September – Knutsford 10. Another fast and flat 10k from Run North West Barclays Knutsford 10K 2024 – Run North West
Series Rules: Don’t forget your WRC vest! See all rules here:
Catherine’s away but wanted me to highlight the Next Away Run. Please make sure you sign up for this on Teamo if you are interested as we need enough people to make the run and trip viable. Richard sent out an email with further details, also look at Teamo. Sunday 22nd September Ashbourne / Tissington Trail area.
8th July
Forthcoming Events:
18 July – Staff Moorlands Biddulph Grange 4 mile trail race. SportSoft Entries & Results (
25 July – Staff Moorlands Rudyard Lake 5 mile trail race. SportSoft Entries & Results (
1 August – Sale Sizzler (race 4) 20 WRC members entered. Fast 5k series, attracts many club runners. Sale Sizzler 4 –
11 August – Sandbach 10k Sandbach 10k | AV Timing
30 August – the second Running Bear Track Mile.. test your speed, can you set a pb? Transforming Lives –
Series Rules: Don’t forget your WRC vest! See all rules here:
Race discounts: discount codes available for Cheshire HM and the Macc Running Festival (HM or 10k). The WRC only code is shown on the race list. Let me know if they don’t work as the organiser has to refresh them every now and then.
Socials – From Catherine
A huge thank you to the hostess with the mostess Nicky for allowing forty something club members to take over her house for our recent summer party! It was a fantastic venue, and very kind of you to let us all invade your beautiful home and garden. Same time next year? 😉
Thanks also to Gary for supplying the delicious Weinholt’s food, to everyone that made a salad or brought other food or drink to contribute, and to the helpers that were there early to help set up – Tracy, Nic B, Sue and Don. I have no doubt missed someone out here – apologies if so – and thanks to all that helped to make it such a great event. We’d like to make the summer party a regular fixture on our club events calendar, alongside our Christmas one, so any feedback or suggestions for next year would be helpful.
WRC On Tour: Next Away Run – Following the success of our Edale away run in May, we committed to fitting another one in this year. Our next away run will therefore be on Sunday 22nd September – save the date! We’ll be heading to the Ashbourne / Tissington Trail area – more details on routes to follow as our planning progresses. For now, please tick the event in Teamo to let us know you’d like to come along – like last time we need a decent size group of us to make the run and trip viable.
See many of you before then at one of the many upcoming series races – lots to choose from at present! It would be great to have a drink together after the Rudyard Lake race on Thurs 25th July for those planning to do that, it’s a lovely race with a pub on site at the finish. I’ll try and co-ordinate a drinks order nearer the time and look for a speedy runner or spectator to order for us, as lots of others had the same idea last year, leading to a big queue for drinks!
2nd July
Good luck to all running the 10 miler in Chester on Sunday.
After that we have two lovely midweek trail races put on by the Staffordshire Moorlands:
Biddulph Grange 4m | Trail | 18/07/2024 | SportSoft Entries & Results ( |
SMAC | Rudyard Lake 5m | Trail | 25/07/2024 | SportSoft Entries & Results ( |
8th June:
Great turnout last night, [Dunham Massey] the sun was shining, the prizes haul was good and we had beers afterwards (thanks Catherine for organising)
Next events:
Series 24: 15 June – Shrigley Stagg 10k, 280m Fell Race. FRA category BS (B indicates the amount of climb in relation to distance, can be A, B or C with A as the hardest. S indicates short distance). 2024 Shrigley Stag – Peaks Trail Series – Macclesfield Harriers & Athletic Club (
Series 24: 20 June – Staff Moorlands Shutlingsloe Fell Race. Make sure you book the right race as another organiser is putting a race on here. SportSoft Online Entries – Entries for Staffs Moorlands AC Summer Series 2024 – Shutlingsloe SENIOR (
29 June – Club Summer Party, signup on Teamo and transfer £15 to club account, details below.
7 July – Cheshire 10 miles (in Chester) – make sure you sign up for the 10mile event, the 10k runs the same day and is not a club series race. Use this discount code to get entry for £25.20 RUNCLUBWRC1020%. Cheshire 10k & 10 Miles 2024 | Cheshire 10k *(10 mile race ONLY)
18 July – Staff Moorlands Biddulph Grange 4 mile trail race. SportSoft Entries & Results (
25 July – Staff Moorlands Rudyard Lake 5 mile trail race. SportSoft Entries & Results (
Club Series
Note the date change for the next Running Bear Mile is brought forward to August.
Race discounts: Don’t forget to use the discount codes for these races: Cheshire 10 miles; Cheshire HM and the Macc Running Festival (HM or 10k). The WRC only code is shown on the race list. Let me know if they don’t work as the organiser has to refresh them every now and then.
Socials – From Catherine
Away Day – Thanks to everyone that joined our away run in Edale a couple of weeks ago. We couldn’t have wished for more glorious weather, and had a great day out in the sunshine, with some challenging but lovely runs in the beautiful countryside, followed by essential refuelling outside the village pub 🙂 This was the first away run for the club for many years, so it was fantastic to see so many of you there, and plans are already afoot for the next one, which is likely to be in September. More details soon!
Summer Party – You don’t have to wait until then for another club social event however, as our Summer Party is now only a few weeks away! Lots of you have booked already, and we will need to finalise numbers soon, so if you haven’t already done so please tick the event on Teamo to confirm your attendance, and transfer £15 to the club account:
Wilmslow Running Club – NatWest account
Sort code – 010390
Account number – 04039246
Please also let us know if you have any dietary requirements.
As a reminder, it’s Saturday 29th June, from 4pm onwards, at 42 Hough Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 2LH (Nicky’s house). Food (provided by Weinholt’s :-)) and a welcome drink will be provided. Please also bring a bottle / whatever you’d like to drink with you. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.
6th May
Well done to our 26 runners at the Bluebell Trail Race, points well earned I’d say! At least the weather was kind for the river crossing 😉
Please note that the parkrun stats are updated after the last Saturday of each month and so recent parkruns will not be reflected:
April 11th
Great turnout On Wednesday from the club for a good race that felt a bit like a steeple chase in parts! Here are the updated league tables. Let me know if you’ve any issues viewing. The same information is held on Teamo in the Documents folder
April bulletin
Lots coming up, plus the first month’s results for the parkrun competition.
Forthcoming Events:
Series 24: 10 April – Chester Spring 5 West Cheshire Athletic Club – 40 (wow!) WRC entries. Great midweek 5 miler, also part of the Cheshire Road Race Grand Prix. Last few places available at the time of writing.
17 April 7pm – Macclesfield Track Night, Club Training. Please sign up on Teamo.
Series 24: 26 April – Running Bear Track Mile. The Running Bear Spring Track Mile – 25 WRC Entries. Test your speed, timed mile at Macclesfield track. 3 places available at time of writing.
Food Night: 30 April – After training. Please sign up on teamo. More info below in the social section.
XC : 3 May – MACCL Prize Presentation at Wilmslow Rugby Club.
Series 24: 5 May – Bluebell Trail 2024 Stainland Lions Bluebell Trail | BookitZone | Online Event Entry Service Popular pretty off roader with a few challenges.
Series 24: 12 May – Alderley Edge Bypass 10k. Alderley Edge Bypass 10K 2024 – Speedy local 10k
Away Run: 19 May – WRC on Tour, Edale Away Run. Sign up on Teamo.
Series 24: 22 May – Macclesfield Harriers Gun Run. Gun Run – Macclesfield Harriers & Athletic Club ( Challenging 9k trail/fell run around Gun Hill with a few ups and downs.
29 June – Advanced notice to save the date for the Club Summer Party
Club Series
Note for new members: The Club Series is held annually, over several distances and terrains. A list of around 20 races is identified. It’s a great way of getting involved in races with the club, as well as providing some friendly competition! For further information on the rules and the race list please see Teamo. Also chat to other members on a training night. Club Vests must be worn (apart from parkrun). Purchase from Running Bear.
parkrun Competition: The parkrun competition has started. Each completed pair scores as 1 race in the Club Series. Points are calculated on a monthly basis and are reported below.
Series 24 parkruns: WAGs – Alderley Park and Wilmslow, City Slickers – Alexandra Park and Stretford, Country Squires – Bramhall and Lyme Park, Points Tarts – Delamere and Peel
Race discounts: Don’t forget to use the discount codes for these races: Cheshire 10 miles; Cheshire HM and the Macc Running Festival (HM or 10k). The WRC only code is shown on the race list.
Socials – From Catherine
Our next food night after training will be on Tuesday 30th April. Please tick the event on Teamo to let us know you’ll be there, and e-mail Julie if you have any specific dietary requirements – [email protected]. Hope to see lots of you there for some post training refuelling and catching up!
Changing the date of our away run to a Sunday proved to be a good decision, as lots of you have now signed up! We’re looking forward to a great day out and hoping we’ll get some nice spring sunshine (and not the weather I can see out my window as I type this!). Please could anyone else who’d like to come along tick the event on Teamo to say so, as we will be starting to plan running groups, travel and booking the pub soon. It’s Sunday 19th May, in Edale, and we’ll be leaving Wilmslow around 9am, although further details to follow on that.
After the away run, our next big social is our Summer Party on Saturday 29th June. We’ll send out venue and other details soon but please save the date! As we have lots of races coming up, we’ll also organise some post race drinks / food after some of them. We’ll send out messages to arrange this before each race.
parkrun Results for March
A great start to the parkrun competition, with two folks achieving points for two of the pairs already. Obviously one was Steve G, the other Ian A. Thanks to Graham for the new whizzy parkrun spready.
Alderley / Wilmslow
Andrew Whittingham 00:40:02
Markus Dalgaard 00:44:07
Stacy Macpherson 00:45:18
Susan Harrison 00:45:26
David Baxter 00:45:31
Stephen Greaves 00:46:20
Gary Morrison 00:47:07
Ian Ashcroft 01:03:35
Alexandra / Stretford:
Roy Pownall 01:01:01
Rebecca Jackson 00:40:00
Stephen Greaves 00:39:06
Bramhall / Lyme:
Paul Norris 00:48:26
Barry Archbold 00:38:06
Delamere / Peel:
Ian Ashcroft 01:00:47
That’s it for this month 😊,