Bog Run

Click here for the Bog Run in pdf

Distance – 8 miles/12.7 km – normally done anti clockwise (Styal first)
Climb – 400ft/115m
Terrain -medium – some road and trail, short stretches of rough ground
Short-cuts – From Morley Green turn left to get back to the Altrincham Road and the Rugby Club


Route Description

 From the Rugby Club turn left down to the Carrs, turn left and cross the footbridge over the river, and turn immediately left to follow the Styal Wood path to Styal Mill.  Climb the hill on the road, and take the first footpath to the left into Styal Woods.  (An option here is to take the second footpath and then follow the road route alongside the airport to reach the Holiday Inn).  Follow the path crossing the river twice, climb the steep set of steps and descend on the other side, and then follow the path on the right of the river all the way to the Holiday Inn.  Turn left in front of the hotel, cross the Altrincham Road (care needed), and run up the footpath on the right of the road.  Take the gate half-way up the hill turning right across fields to reach Morley Green Road.

Turn right on Morley Green Road,  and at the tee-junction turn right and immediately left into Eccups Lane.  Follow Eccups Lane, keeping left, and join a footpath which leads to a cross-road of tracks at the end of Newgate.  Turn right, go past the Rossmere fishing lake, and take a footpath on the left just before you get to some farm buildings.  This path crosses rough ground, then a narrow footbridge, and onto a short winding track to another narrow footbridge onto the Lindow Moss (aka ‘The Bog’).  Turn left down a long straight track through the peat, at the end turn right (onto the track called Rotherwood Road) and then immediately left.  This track takes you to Lindow Lane.

At the end of Lindow Lane cross Racecourse Road onto the Common, taking the path which just skirts the lake on the right before emerging onto Altrincham Road.  Turn right, cross the Altrincham Road, turn left onto the short track leading to the Carnival Field, cross the field to the opposite corner, and follow the path left to reach Broadwalk.  Cross Broadwalk and take the footpath into the Carrs, the path turns left and drops to the Carrs.  Turn right and cross the footbridge over the Bollin, keeping to the right of the river to get to Twinney’s Bridge car park.  Cross the bridge and run up the lane to the Rugby Club.

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