Poets Day?

POETS Day. Used to mean, on a Friday,  Pissing Off Early Tomorrow’s Saturday, when I was working away from home all week. Well today’s Friday so let’s reflect on  the VE75 anniversary. Actually there is a National Poetry Day if you wre wondering. This year’s National Poetry Day will take…

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Beat the Bounds Virtually

We have done this charity walk [well we actually ran! :)] a couple of times.  Now with lockdown it can’t go on as normal this year. Ned Spencer’s recent email is published here to stimulate and encourage you [if interested]: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hello – keep smiling through! Let’s get some fresh…

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Injury Update – May

Well a few weeks has passed since we started his article.  An update on ststus is below: New Jarrod is first to acknowledge his predicament. A pain in the bum I’ve been called (a lot) worse. My injury, high hamstring tendinopathy began summer 2019. Up to then, I’d probably been…

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May Core workout

Hope everyone is holding up and keeping positive.  A bit of a change from Carolyn,  to your core routine today. The core corner message remains the same; ‘a strong trunk (or core) gives you the strength to hold a good posture, keeping your lower limbs biomechanically efficient and less at…

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