Mud, Glorious Mud…Welcome To Boggart Hole Clough.

Not for the faint hearted…Some would say XC for traditionalists. Judging from some that had run, why pay for a facial & mud pack when you can come to Blackley and Boggart Hole Clough!

To put the park in a different light take a look at this BHC

And the history here

The It has been claimed that the clough is haunted by a boggart a mischievous spirit that comes out at night. Based on some peoples experience today and as I left with dusk setting, for some today might have seemed that way !


Keen to bounce back after the double header at Sherdley Park/Langley, we had stronger teams and all that turned out should be congratulated. Salford had been down to the park on both Wednesday and Friday doing their best to make fit what was to be the course. On Wednesday, we had to take part out and re route.

So come the day, it was high winds providing their own eerie noise and squally showers.

Wrap up well and tape the shoes on for sure. 

Full results (Provisional are here)…any queries to me please.

Its the best four results from five for both team and individual awards, so we need to be out in force for Heaton Park (January 16th), and Wythenshawe Park ( February 13th). The presentations will take place afterwards in the Courtyard Café within the Park. 

A few mentions. Well done Damion and Katy for leading the teams home. At opposite ends of the spectrum Tom McGaff our own Peter Pan still counting and a V60, but Will Booth, one of youngest members showing the rewards from regular Tuesdays by being 6th counter.

Janine who raced the Dubai HM the day before and only returning to the UK this morning.

Rob Dunkley who shocked many by running, but sadly his shoe literally fell apart and thus a DNF 🙁

Thanks to Tony & Roy for supporting. Paul Sanders for marshalling, and Andy Watts providing support as part of is Race Official training.

Well done and see you Tuesday.

Finally…Pictures say more than words so thank you Tony for the below. Click on the image to enlarge. Ladies, you will need to run a little more slowly to get into focus!






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