Winners and Losers in 2010 – further analysis

 The strongest feature in the figures is that five (Matt, Christine, Richard, Soraya, James) of the top seven in the list were in their second*  year with the club. For those in their third* year, few maintained their second year progress and the majority fell back.

It does seem that, between their second and third years, most runners hit a plateau. Physically and psychologically this is a difficult time because the PBs stop coming and times start to be no better, and sometimes worse, than in the previous year. It is a key point in people's running career and produces different responses:-

  • a changed training regime, re-starting the trend of faster times.
  • a demoralisation that results in the runner stopping racing or even running altogether.
  • an acceptance that whilst in the future there will be periods of hitting new PBs, these will be interspersed with periods when times are slower than in previous years.

My purpose here is not to frighten the stars of 2010 but prepare them mentally for the 'rite of passage' into becoming a runner for life. It is the period when, probably, they need the most support from the rest of the club.

I have everyone's data for 2006 to 2010 and their year-on-year percentage ups and downs  (I've corrected an error in the original, so for some it may differ). If you want it drop me an email.

31 runners have raced for the club throughout the 5 years. Two, Steve Smith and Katy, were running faster in 2010 than they had done at any time in the past. Two more were running as well in 2010 than they had done at any time in the period; Andy and Damian. Six were running better or as well in 2009 as any time since the start of 2006 but have faltered (temporarily?) in the last twelve months; Catriona, Don,  Gareth, Geoff, Jim and Rob Downs. That leaves 21 of us who  appear not to be maturing with age.

To my dismay I find that mine is the second worse performance in the club over the five years.


* I have not measured the time since people joined the club. I've defined a runner in his/her second year as someone who did not do three club races in 2008 and someone in their third year if they  did not complete three club races in 2007.

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