Check-out the latest Summer Competition Rankings
Checkout your club ranking over 5k, 10k, HM and Mara on the results sheet: Club Competition 2021 Email or WhatsApp Jan if you have an update
Checkout your club ranking over 5k, 10k, HM and Mara on the results sheet: Club Competition 2021 Email or WhatsApp Jan if you have an update
Well done everyone: Thanks to everyone who helped on Tuesday night. Special thanks to Andy Watts who was there all day. We raised £2681.00 for Support Through Court (Manchester). You can read about their valuable work here Some fine pictures on Brian Dale site.
Tuesday saw our first club race at the Wizard. Lots of our runners helping and running. Barry rana great race and finished second. With money raised our charity donations were: National Trust (Alderley/Hare Hill) £500 Supportability £1150 Thanks again to all the many helpers. And our fantastic sponsors RunNorthWest. Thursday…
Well a few of our members ran the Mobberley 5 mile round the runway course last night. However, 2 intrepid members gritted their teeth and went further afield and ran the Gritstone Trail. 55km, 1700m of elevation in around 7 hours. Well done you two.
The rain held off for the Mobberley 5 last night. A good turnout to help, marshal and run from our members. Well 26 of our runners competed last night. Richard and Nic, in true British Olympic tradition, took ‘Gold’ in the mens and Ladies categories. As well as Richard and Nic…
We had a few runners at the Alderley Park Trail Race. Di and Nic were category winners. James a second place in his Category. Andrews daughter first lady home. Wilmslow results below.
I don’t know why I thought the last Sizzler was in August. But, hey ho, a break in Olympics Tv watching. In form Peter put in another great run and was 4th overall, shortly after Richard – another man in form. Both were category winners. Graham and Paul finished 4th…
As Promised. The full results for Wilmslow runners at the events they attended. At Wilmslow, Peter and Rebecca were first man and woman home. Peter in his fine form had a PB. Sam was second with a PB too. We also we saw 5 Wilmslow runners finish in the first 7. There…
Well Parkrun started today [written yesterday – but forgot to publish!!] in England. A few weeks later than Northern Ireland. Not in Wales or Scotland yet. Runners will have to comply with Covid Guidelines. Will 100,000 run today at the 500 parkruns? Only time will tell. Sunday Morning now!! I…
Well after two years we held one of our community races. A big thanks to Rob and also to all who helped. We had a bunch of runners too. Chorlton sent 28 runners, Macclesfield 27 and Bramhall 2o. Altrincham and Congleton 1 apiece. How times change. It was a little…