A lot of you [26?] turned out at Dunham this week.
The tables are now updated .. See Menu. 2022 Race Series League Tables
Brief news from Ian ..
Diane is the Spring pace-setter
The scoring system can lead to some jokers in the early stages, League 4’s Ian led at the end
of May, but as it settles down League 2’s Diane has set the pace and may take a bit of
The best League 1 runner, Nic, is down in 12 th .
Historically the best runners have taken a while to get their act together and then find
themselves scrambling in late Autumn to get their 7 qualifying races. That said Mark and
Mike are only just behind Nic and Richard, 3 races, 3 first places, looks ominous.
Paul, Andy, Louisa and Matt in League 2 all have similar points per race averages to Diane
and her total can now only increase by her displacing one of her current 7 races with a
better performance in the future.
Its similarly tight in a female-dominated League 3; Huma, Ang, Tracy and Nicky battle it out.
Ian’s lead in League 4, gained by he and Roy quietly touring the parkruns, is likely to be
short-lived with Colin closing, but can Colin hold-off Holly?
Diane’s lead in the Ladies is likely to be first threatened by Louisa and then Nic.
My current position is flattering, but will end in tears as more of you complete the ParkRun series and further races.
Thanks Patrick, summer series is taking off again which is great to see.
Well done everyone, get involved…..