The Simon Fenton Trophy

Simon was known to so many of us. He was a long standing club member. Always happy to help, advise and support other runners. We thought long and hard about the most appropriate way to continue to celebrate Simon and the values he represented – maybe an annual race or similar event named after him.  We decided though on a trophy, to be awarded annually and kept by the winner for a year, presented for a quality or achievement which reflects the values of inclusivity, positivity and encouraging everyone to do their best, which were so much a part of Simon’s ethos.  In addition, each year the winner will have a smaller trophy to keep permanently.  We’ll present this every year, hopefully long into the future, longer than you or I will be around, to someone who echoes these values. We hope a  its modern image yet everlasting presence are, I think, a perfect tribute to Simon.

The family are happy in endorsing our approach and have given us feedback which they would like us to share:

“I just wanted to say how touched we are as a family that the club wanted to mark Dad’s contribution to the running club and the running community in this way. I think the values and ethos of what the trophy stands for epitomise what Dad believed in and what he instilled into us as children. I know he would have been incredibly proud, humbled and probably quite embarrassed to be recognised in this way, but we think it’s really fitting and we are very proud that his legacy will live on and that once a year at least you will all remember him with this award.”

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