One-Hour Time Trial

Thursday July 16th.

This proved to be a great success, with everyone keen to do another one on a Thursday evening in the none too distant future.

Bernard, John, Tim, Paul, Alan, Bill and Louisa all did 3 circuits of the long Carrs lap (2.33 miles). John was in danger of not making it home for the 8pm deadline. The others did two long circuits and everyone then did as many laps of the trail (0.36 miles) as they could in what remained of the hour.

Tim 8.5 miles, Paul 8.4 miles Louisa 8.2 miles, Bernard 7.6 miles, Alan 7.3 miles, John 7.1 miles, Ian 6.6 miles, Chris 6.4 miles, Pete 5.8 miles, Trevor 4.8 miles. Bill?

One of the pluses is that it is a very sociable way to run; everyone finishes together at the same place and the same time.

Thanks to Paul for organising and acting as lead bike and to Dave for time keeping.



  1. Great little event but not the evening after Forest 5

  2. We could probably debate this for weeks, but by running two laps plus 2.5 track circuits, my distance was 5.56 miles. Pete ran two full laps plus 4 track circuits, making 6.10 miles.
    If we do this event again, could we please avoid the day after a race. Indeed, this type of training might be more suitable for a Tuesday evening.

  3. Sorry, Trevor, probably my misinterpretation of Dave’s list, it looked too low to me was I was preparing the results.
    I had anticipated people doing their distance of their own GPS, but clearly my assumption that (nearly) everyone had GPS was wrong.
    Next time I’ll provide Dave with a customised results sheet and clarify to those without GPS the data I need to calculate mileage.
    Two laps of the big circuit is 4.66 miles.
    Pete modified his 4 laps of the short circuit to 3. The short circuit is .36 miles, 3 laps is 1.08, plus two laps of the big circuit gives 5.74.
    i had proposed on the website July 16th. three times starting a month in advance, I must confess I was ignorant of the date of the Forest 5 and no-one raised it as an issue, moving to an alternative Thursday would have been easy.

  4. Pete modified his track circuits back to 4. He just started a new circuit, having done one, when I entered the track. He then gained another half lap on me, so he definitely did 4. My speed was about the same as at the Forest 5, but that had about 1200 feet of ascent!

  5. sorry I missed it. I’d even charged up my Garmin for the event! Glad to have another opportunity soon 🙂

  6. Excellent idea and a great change to our usual regime… Would have enjoyed it even more had I not got lost ! Thanks all involved for organising ..

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