Stafford 20

Sunday 9th March 2014

1     Tom Charles 1st  1:49:28
65    Michelle Buckle 1st lady 2:22:48
141  Nicky Mowat 11th lady 2:37:49
147  Gareth Trimble 2:39:18
(406 finishers)
Rather a contrast in weather conditions to last year when we had to battle with snow and cross winds.  This year the temperature got up to 18 degrees and I started the water over the head treatment to keep cool.  The course didn't seem so tedious, even though it is three laps including two main roads.  It is quite an undulating route with a sting in the tail at the end as you arrive back at the university.  I stuck to the game plan of marathon pace, picking up on the downhill and as usual slowing down on the uphill.  So it was 'job done', the last of my 20 mile training runs.  Many thanks to Elspeth who cheered us on and made herself useful spotting who had another lap to go and who was to be funnelled off.

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