Buxton Hilly – Thursday

Don't forget the Buxton Hilly (Summer Series race) coming up this Thursday (26thJune).  Start is 7:15 from close to Buxton (from the Cat&Fiddle road turn right when you get to the tee-junction at Buxton, then first left onto Grinlow Road, and first left again into Buxton Country Park.  SK17 6UJ will get you somewhere close, but probably not to the exact start location).

A location map can be found on the Staffs Moorlands site (click here).  The course is also available on their web-site, however Chris Cannon spotted this map, which gives course and height profile. Despite the name, it's not as hilly as the Roaches!



  1. Looks rather hilly too me .. :0

  2. The thing to watch on this one is that it can be very slippery down the limestone paths. If it is wet underfoot you’ll need decent shoes and go careful on the descents.

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