Bowdon 5K : Adrift of the front and meeting the middle

This race report is part of a trilogy…Andy Dodd has supplied the middle and Simon will present the remaining detail…Three perspectives !

In my experience this has always been a fast 5K although some think it a little slower now, due to some subtle course changes…My understanding is that a number of PB's were recorded, so lots of success stories and an endorsement of the course credentials.

A glorious evening, and a close by location was a sign that high numbers were to be expected…52 by my reckoning.

The start at Bowdon allows for a decent get away and a good stetch of flat and gentle downhill for the first mile. 

Having been destroyed by Di on the previous Saturday, I had planned to stick with her this time and see how the race unfolded. By 1.5k, I gave up on plan B ! Good to see her elbowing her way through the field and running so well, finishing in 18.12, and first lady home, something that is becoming a regular occurrence !

In the initial exchanges, I could see tussles ahead with Tom being his consistent self and it was pleasing to see Trevor back, pushing on as the race progressed. Rob W, passed me near the halfway mark to run an excellent second half and pip Tom by 3 seconds(18.05 & 18.08)…a number of other close finishes followed.

Rob D, Graham, Jim and Andrew were sadly too far ahead to allow me to pass much comment, Rob being first home in 16.31 and 10th overall.

Our newest member, Jonathan Currie made his debut and ran a new PB of 17.33.

Just three seconds separated four of us…Mark, Rob, myself and Allan…I had not realised how close it was until Rob overtook me some five yards from the line…Pefect timing Rob !

Aaron ran an excellent race with Sharon Johnnstone just six seconds behind in 19.01(pace judgement at training Aaron !)

Qes and Paul Garnett produced the next sprint for the line with a two second gap (Qes recording 19.15).

Paul Norris continues to improve and seemed to have his own support team to cheer him home as he finished in 19.28. 

So is Bowdon quicker than Hollins Green ?

Graham M : 5 seconds slower

Nick : 2 seconds slower

Andrew : 2 seconds slower

And just to balance things, any drop off by Di was compensated by Allan to leave the combined pair three seconds slower !

Thanks to Rod who will also be supplying pictures.

Full results :


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