Torch Run – Sunday 24th June

The 'last Sunday in the month' run for June will go from Bramhall at 7:45, so we can run out and see Rob do the Olympic torch leg.  Start at the Bramhall Hall gates (footpath leading down to Bramhall Lane South near the roundabout).  The Club Flag will be in evidence – all club members welcome, and if you come please wear either the club vest or the club waterproof top. 


  1. It would be great to see a crowd of WRC runners. You should be able to make a decent loop by heading up towards the Middlewood Way and back through Poynton. You’re all invited back to ours afterwards for a bit of breakfast. We’re also about the right place to park for Bramhall Park. 20 Carrwood Ave, Bramhall SK7 2PX.

  2. The A6 doesn’t offer the best in running routes but this is one possibility following the “Fred Perry Way” then past Woodsmoor Station

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