Mobberley Round The Runway 5.3

10 May 2012

Another fine race organised by Malcolm.  Traditionally this event is held on a sunny evening over bone dry paths and cool drinks in the pub garden.  This year the muddy paths made for some dicy moments out near the runway.  The off and on road nature of the course made for some interesting racing with plenty of close finishes.  Thanks to everyone who helped – over £1000 was rasied for Alzheimers Society.

1   Gavin Tomlinson (Trafford AC)             28:32
3   Rob Downs            V45   1              29:38
13  Jim Pendrill         V40   2              31:29
14  Malcolm Fowler       V45   4              31:34
18  Trevor Morris        V50   1              31:52
19  Andrew Whittingham   V40   3              31:55
22  Mike Hill            V45   5              32:19     
25  Mark Bale                                 32:36
26  Robert Wilson        V40   6              32:46
28  Barry Archbold                            33:00
29  Diane McVey          L35   1              33:10
43  Allan McCormick                           34:09
52  James Eyre                                34:57
63  Sharon Johnstone     L35   4              36:15
66  Jarrod Homer         V40  11              36:28
68  Andy Watts           V60   1              36:47
70  Ellen Downs          L17   1              37:01
80  Jon Bale             V50   5              37:37
89  Richard Parris       V45  13              37:52
91  Diane Bygrave        L35   6              38:01
95  Geoff Gilbert        V60   2              38:23
98  Patrick Grannan      V60   3              38:48
100 Christine Geraghty   L50   1              38:53
101 Gareth Trimble                            39:04
110 Janine Ellis         L40   2              39:25
111 Paul Norris          V50   8              39:28
124 Alan Turner          V45  17              40:22
136 Chris Cannon         V55   6              41:16
140 John Porteous                             41:39
145 Simon Fenton         V65   3              42:01
153 Julie Lucas          L45   5              43:00
170 David Wheable        V45  24              44:19
171 Rod Coombs           V60   5              44:19
189 Leanne Byrne         L    45              46:59
202 Janet Wyles          L45   7              48:10
219 Stephen Feber                             50:59
246 Owen Ashcroft  (SWEEP)                  1:02:10

Full results at

And if you smiled for Mick Hall


One Comment

  1. Ooops, sorry (Andy?) I must have posted this at the same time as the previous post.

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