London Marathon

22nd April 2012

My goal in this year’s London marathon was the same as the previous 2 years – to run under 3.30. My previous PB in the marathon was 3.34 in Dublin in 2007 and I have improved at all other distances but not this one and it was bugging me.  The week before I was mortified with the weather forecast – I hate the rain and the torrential rain forecast was not the best news I could be reading.  Luckily the forecasts were wrong and the weather conditions on the day were great – sunny but not too warm.

Race tactics were discussed at length with my mentors from the Bramhall Parkrun team who all convinced me I could get my 3.30.  Rob leant me a book to read to get over my Canary Wharf phobia (Charlie Spedding – from last to first), Jim & Graham advised me on pacing and hydration. 

I am pleased to report that I stuck to my plan for the race and also for the week before preparation.  I only ran 3 miles in the week before the race and tried not to move too much on Saturday.  Didn’t bother with an alcohol ban – tried that before and it didn’t work!  During the race I stuck to water – every other station as advised.  Poured a lot of it over my head – the photos are going to look dreadful!  No Lucozade drinks or gels which turn my stomach.  Half way goal 1.43 – did 1.42.54.  Really made an effort to hold back in the first half and not panic that people were running past me.  Felt good at 14 miles and managed to keep the pace going up to 24 miles when I got a horrible stitch.  I panicked a bit thinking all the effort had been in vain and that I would have to stop, but slowed down and ran through it and picked up the pace again. Goal achieved – 3.28.01.  So happy after 2 years of being disappointed with my London experience. 

Training this year has been slightly different – I have had some niggles – tight calves and a dodgy knee – and so have probably had more rest days than usual.  Also I have been going to the gym at least once a week to do other exercise than running.  Thanks to all the people I have trained with on Thursdays and Sundays  as well who have been great company!

The support on the way round was amazing. I also knew where most of the WRC supporters would be and so that gave me a focus every few miles to look out for them – thanks to them all and also to my other half Richard who had to spend our 17th wedding anniversary watching the marathon!  Apologies if I didn’t recognise people in the last mile – I couldn’t pick out people by then. 

London is a different set up to most races with 3 starts and chaos at the end so you don’t see many of the WRC people so I can’t report much on how the others got on.  Patrick and Steve S were at the same start as me so saw them and ran with Patrick for the first half of the race, but only managed to see Doddy, Steve R and Gareth at the end.  Doddy, my “deadly rival” was disappointed with his time – at least I can beat him over one distance!  There was talk of never again, but no less than 5 hours later I was pleased to get a text from him talking about next year – we would miss him a lot in our marathon training!  Gareth was happy with his time after recovering from illness.  Patrick was disappointed with his 3:45 time, but has been plagued by injuries so shouldn't be!  Rob ran an amazing time that we can all only dream of and so did Andy Watts and Steve Smith.  Julie got her sub 4 hours.  Gail and Nina ran in together for the last few miles, with Gail raising an amazing amount for charity and Nina completing her first marathon.  Congratulations to you all!

And good luck to all doing Manchester this Sunday!  Will be there cheering you on.

I’m still smiling!


One Comment

  1. Gail the Snail

    Massive well done J’ellis, fantastic running with a great strategy that obviously paid off for your huge PB, some very good tips for me for next time – I know I declared never again, but actually there is just something about the event, the support and the pain, oh yes the aches and pain;) Congratulations and keep smiling, well deserved !!! Snail xxx

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