Runner of the Month

There was a three-way tie as runner-up. Soraya Mason may deprecate her performances but she's really moved-up the Summer Series pecking order and capped it with a sub 4-hour marathon at Edinburgh. Rob Downs was first Wilmslow runner at Dunham, had the quickest Masters relay time, a sub 1.15 Chester half and was 3rd overall at Mobberly. Paul Garnett finally after 50(?) attempts broke 20 minutes at Bramhall and went faster for a PB at Dunham.

Damian Nicholls got what we believe was the club's first ever inter-counties medal, hard earned in LLandudno 10 but we tend to take good performances by Damian for granted.

Janine is another graduate from Bramhall but like the Pauls has become a Wilmslow stalwart. She was disappointed with her London time whereas most of us would regard good-for-age something of a triumph. The disadvantage of joining part way through the season meant she flirted with the relegation zone last year but this year has moved to the top of League 4 with PBs in 5 miles and 10k (and 5k?).

Janine took 8 of the 22 votes cast.


  1. Janine is a worthy winner this month, but as she got less than 50% of the votes cast, perhaps we should consider using the Alternative Vote system, and rank candidates in order. The result would probably have been the same, but Janine would have the comfort of knowing that she was supported by a majority of the voters!

  2. Malcolm Fowler

    Perhaps we should have a vote on whether we should vote using the alternative vote system? But which system would we use for this vote? ‘First past the post?’ :~)
    I suspect that it is rare for someone to get more than 50% of the votes in our ‘runner of the month’ competition. The only time I can remember it happening for certain was when Ron Reed became the only V80 to ever complete the Wilmslow Half Marathon.

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