British Masters 5K Championships

We recently discussed targeting certain national events on the masters circuit : Its a growing competition in all sports and not just athletics.

Tony , Andy and Mick recently raced in the" Masters  Road Relays" at Sutton Park with impressive results.

Our men ( Rob , Stuart , Trevor Morris and Graham ) ran two weeks ago in the British Masters 5K Championships at Horwich . Louise also ran .

Result : Men 3rd team in the UK !!  Unfortunately they omitted Wilmslow RC from the M40 team results.  We were in fact 3rd ahead of Sale. 


23 Downs 16.45

26 Parrott 16.50

39 Morris 17.22

50 MacNeil 17.58 


37 McKay 17.16

53 Cordingley 18.14

62 Wilcock 18.33

106 Lambe 20.35 

Ranking based on aggregate positions (Wilmslow = 138, Sale = 258) or time (Wilmslow = 68.55, Sale = 74.38) we were clearly well ahead (although behind the mighty Bingley in 2nd). 

Medals are on the way ……..great result team !!




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