Summer Series – Age/Sex Table, after 5 races

Tony heads the table. Kate’s sex has outgunned Don’s age and she takes second, Trevor is fourth. (you should have an email with the full table)

I lead those who have run 4 races with Rob, Penny and Angie on my tail.

Mick and Malcolm are tied at the top of those who have done 3 races, with Nicky close behind.

Group 1 dominate 2 races; Tom, two races two wins, followed by Damian and Jim.

and there seems to be an error on those who have only done one one race; it should have Rob first, Ray second, Graham third.


One Comment

  1. Charlotte Godfrey

    The Longest Rep in the World
    No, I didn’t fall in the giant hole we had been warned about,although that would have been more acceptable, instead I discovered parts of Cheshire I had never seen, including a rather nice lake. The Bog had disappeared from view and so had everyone else. One hour later I found my way back to civilisation and I had to admit that even for me, getting lost on a rep is a pretty nerdish thing to do.
    Nina, maybe you are right after all.

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