Winners and Losers at Crewe

Great runs from Rob Gilbert, Gareth Trimble, Don Bullough, Angela Maziere, Nina Birch and Sarah Miles.


Runs on par with current race form from; Tony Hulme, Kate Sutton and Ian Ashcroft.


Those who ran below their normal pace were in exalted company; Damian Nicholls (he finished 4th. but my form indicator expected him to have been over a minute faster, which would have won the race), Tom McGaff (still first M50 when not at his best), Andy Watts (thinking of London?), Simon Fenton (but not his distance), Julie Lucas, Roy Pownall and Trevor Faulkner.


I do not have enough recent race data on Ian Roylance, John Porteus, Huma Rahman, Christine Geraghty, Sally Price ( 7 minutes slower than her last 10k when she claims she was pregnant, although I ‘m sure it makes a big difference in the first three days), Clare Hawkes (her foot injury had survived Wilmslow but recurred at 7k) or Martin Wheeldon.





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