National 12 Stage Relay Finals Staurday 8th April

For those not contactable by email , please note copy of mail sent after training yesterday .

After the dust has settled, we now have the sobering prospect of competing at National Level in the National Road Relay Championships.

I say sobering as the standard will be high but we have earned the right to be there and let’s go give it our best shot!!

I have contacted NOE AA who are sending an entry form electronically.

I don’t have full details quite yet but we are only 10 days from the race. Please can all that ran Saturday let me know if they are available? Likewise anyone else who fancies the opportunity. Malcolm is N/A thus we will need a replacement.

Please use any of the contact details at the foot of the note . Thanks .

Kate Ayres will doubtless need to know likewise.

Kate, Dr Kate was checking availability last night.

As soon as I have more detail I will circulate but we need to check availability ASAP.

Enjoy the opportunity and look forward!!


Nick Bishop

Complete Performance

0161 486 9577

07919 565904.

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