More Half Results

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The following were missed off your results list. They weren’t down as Wilmslow runners on Jo Lees results.

932 Rosalind Reeves 1.42.51
933 Angela Maziere 1.42.52
1006 Penny Hinke 1.43.50




  1. I suspect that 2026 Maria Powell 1:57:40 may be one of the young ladies who has just joined the Club.

  2. I think the following got PBs:
    Mike, Paulo, Sally M, David Wheable,Penny, Julie, Maria. Amazingly, both Stuart and Kate A. exactly equalled their gun PBs set at the 2005 Four Villages HM. Trevor

  3. Khan vs Carne
    I noticed that Amir Khan finishing in 1:26 was just out run by our very own Peter Carne. Now for different reasons you wouldn’t want to meet either of these guys coming off the dark bend of the 650 circuit 😉 so it must have been a thrilling sprint. Did anyone see / film the struggle?

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