Tribute to Ron

Here’s a tribute to Ron, courtesy of Trevor. Ron Reed was invited to join Wilmslow Running Club in the early 1990s by Tony Hulme, after he had met him out running several times in Styal woods. His son, Ken Reed, also joined. Being born in September 1926, Ron was the…

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Different types of Training?

You’ve come across, or heard of, terms like “interval run” or “tempo workout.” Fartleks. And may have been left scratching your head. Well here’s an attempt to clarify somethings. Intervals Intervals are short, intense efforts followed by equal or slightly longer recovery time. For example, after a warmup, run two…

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Out and About

I did set a riddle Friday: You find me in the past, and I can be created in the present, but the future is never mine. What am I? Answer at the end. I wonder whether anyone solved it? Having published some of the clubs summer  routes.  RichardH did he…

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