Trafford 10k – results, race report below
Summer Series, Race 4 gun chip 81 Peter Speake 32:53 32:51 82 80 M20-39 74 115 Paul…
Summer Series, Race 4 gun chip 81 Peter Speake 32:53 32:51 82 80 M20-39 74 115 Paul…
Stan Bradshaw Pendle Round, Saturday 7th March. Billed as a bit over 10 miles and 1500ft of climb taking in Pendle moor, Mike Hill and I set off in the blazing sunshine for the big climb which starts the race. Mike was looking strong, whilst my legs were feeling a…
Summer Series, Race 4 Sunday March 8th. I had anticipated a bigger Wilmslow entry for a flat, fast 10k near to home but perhaps it’s too early in the year for a good time, you need more miles and a bit of sun in your legs. It is also not…
Saturday 28/2/15. Two WRC members registered their first parkrun 5K road times at South Manchester, Sharon Johnstone, her first appearance there in a time of 18.40 finishing first lady and a parkrun PB and Christian Hook in 21.27 another PB. I headed for Congleton with Steve and Carolyn. We were joined by Damian,…
Summer Series, Race 3 Sunday March 1st. 15 Allan McCormick 1:03:41 16 Jim Pendrill 1:04:22 20 Tom McGaff 1:05:33 25 Mike Hill 1:06:31 26 Brain McCoubrey 1:06:46 29 Diane McVey 1:07:58 30 Adam Neale 1:08:15 33…
Cheshire CAA, have awarded a new trophy this year…Not to be confused with the Cheshire Grand Prix and the respective male and female champions ( Di and Damian), the award has been provided in the absence of the traditional "County Champs" over a variety of race distances. Details below. Download…
Saturday 21/2/15 We had no runners at South Manchester this week, Tony did consider heading for SM but then ruled it out due to the round trip of roughly 40 miles there and back to his shop, with a covering of snow on the ground in Macclesfield and Wilmslow, Congleton was a…
Knype Pool, Summer Series, Race 2, Sunday February 22nd. Knype Pool is, or could be, a lovely run. But it was a day when the ‘Summer’ in ‘Series’ seemed least appropriate. No-one was talking beforehand about the race, only the cold and what they were wearing. Well perhaps not everyone, I’m sure…
Sunday 22nd February 2015 Position Race No Name Surname Gender Category Time 1 148 Simon Myatt Male SM 28.44 Trentham 4 158 Jim Pendrill Male M40 31.10 1st M40 7 131 Tom McGaff Male M60 31.54 1st M60 8 129 Allan McCormick Male SM 31.58 10 81 Mike…
Saturday saw the annual staging of the "Nationals" at Parliament Hill Field, London. An iconic venue often referred to as the "Spiritual home" of cross country. A mass of tents, a mass of colour…and a sea of mud. Not quite Alton Towers vintage but not far from that level! Seen…