parkrun update, 15th July

Consolidated club report This is a list of members of Wilmslow RC who participated at a parkrun on 2017-07-15. The first runner home for each gender is included/emboldened, regardless of club, for reference purposes. The list is presented by parkrun and contains every member registered with us that participated. If a member…

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Helpers for Wizard 5

Many thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help.  I have enough helpers for the pre-race jobs, but need a few more people who are not running – we need marshals round the loop through the woods and also a few more people on the finish. If you’ve decided not…

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parkrun4: July-Dec 2017

I have emailed individual targets for all those who ran 3 or more different parkruns in the first six months of this year.  Happy to produce targets, email Ian,  for anyone else interested in participating, you would have to run 4 different parkruns between now and the end of the…

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Bollington Nostalgia

Sunday July 9th. Summer Series, Race 12 You do not need to necessarily look at the front runners to appreciate why this is a fascinating race, perhaps the most popular in the calendar. Back in League 4 the first 4k, uphill, Julie would run away. The next 2k, descent, would…

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Bollington Nostalgia

2 Rob Downs MV50  45:14 6 Diane Mcvey FV40  48:06 10 Allan McCormick MSEN  49:18 13 Matthew Taylor MV40  52:23 17 Graham Duce MV40  53:12 20 Amanda Bradbury FV40  54:18 21 Richard Harrison MV40  54:41 25 Richard Lawson MV40  55:42 26 Di Bygrave FV40  55:44 27 Ian Smallwood MV50  55:55…

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