Hello to new club vests!

Carolyn writes…

Having been absent a little recently due to marathon training and recovery, followed by Club La Santa and recovery (!) I have missed some club training and races.

At Buxton, I met three new runners wearing the blue and gold vests….

Vincent Booth, James MacDonald and Mark Crossland. I have put their race photos here so you can put a face to a name, which is usually a tricky thing to do at a club night!


IMG_2110  IMG_2130 IMG_2281



  1. James MacDonald

    Hi Carolyn

    Thanks for the welcome! I enjoyed meeting some of the many runners from WRC at Buxton. I also met Don and Brian today at the Lyme Park parkrun. There are some names and faces I recognise from the Wilmslow parkrun that I’ve been running regularly for the last year. I work in London during the week so will see some of you at weekend races, but not in mid June as I’m running in France!



  2. Thanks very much for the intro Carolyn, and for the warm welcome I’ve received from other WRC members I’ve met so far … it’s great to feel part of a friendly club.


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