There was a good WRC turnout for the clockwise version of the Dunham 5k. This is slightly faster due to running down the long path. The warm evening sunshine teased out a few PBs and SBs. Mick nudged his V65 club record along by another 20s.
1 15:35 Dave Norman V35 M Altrincham
10 16:36 Rob Downs V50 M Wilmslow
11 16:44 Katie Brough SEN W Vale Royal AC
18 17:13 Trevor Morris V50 M Wilmslow
20 17:24 Barry Archbold PB V40 M Wilmslow
26 17:53 Allan McCormick PB SEN M Wilmslow
29 17:58 Dianne McVey V35 W Wilmslow
32 18:01 Juliet Downs PB U15 W Stockport
38 18:25 Ellen Downs PB U17 W Stockport
41 18:28 Richard Hirons PB V45 M Wilmslow
46 18:44 Sharon Johnstone PB V40 W Wilmslow
64 19:27 Mick Fairs SB V65 M Wilmslow
76 19:53 Paul Norris V55 M Wilmslow
88 20:32 Diane Bygrave V40 M Wilmslow RC
101 20:48 Janine Ellis V45 W Wilmslow
156 23:06 Carolyn Hirons SB V45 W Wilmslow
170 23:47 Simon Fenton SB V70 M Wilmslow
197 25:57 Judith Davidson SB V55 W Wilmslow
200 26:43 Peter Davidson V55 M
217 finishers
Full results at