The last of the Staffordshire Moorlands races took place on Thursday night.
I missed the turning and ended up in the Station car park. A blessing in the end as the bridge I should have gone under was blocked when I left!
Twenty-three Club runners were out. Sue and Nic were there supporting. Photo opportunity nearly turned into a nightmare of herding cats together.

Tony our ex-coach was there. Taking it easy as he’d qualified for second overall in his category for the series. Got some advice about the course which led me to believe I had the wrong shoes on. And also the return through the woods was likely to be muddy and to watch out for the roots! ☹
The rain held off. The director and sponsor could hardly be heard. And we were off!
Noticed Janet and Catherine were further ahead of me in the start bunch. So they could be targets if I ran well. A long straight run with puddles took us up one se of the lake. Choosing to pace myself and save something for the end, I slowly overtook Catherine after about 1k. At the end of the straight we turned left to run around the end of the lake and the began a slow climb. I had noticed Janet about 35 seconds ahead on the turn. The narrow road was leading across and up to the sound of bagpipes. Before that there was the oncoming car to contend with at the same time as two young yobbos on scramble bikes were behind me overtaking runners causing me to step off the road. Keeping up with groups of runners and finding interesting snippets of info: You can take your family on the little train for 17.95; Author of Jungle Book was named after the lake amongst other things. Thanking the bag pipe player I took to the woods with anticipation of reducing Janet’s lead. It was 45 seconds at the Bagpipes.
No water at the end. So off to bar. A queue! 🙁 Need to get off and home by 9:30. No time to socialise. The faster runners are left to queue and socialise before it gets dark. Did overhear someone saying that the shortness was that normally at the end of the first long straight, the race would continue on a small out and back loop before going across the end of the lake. They didn’t have enough marshals to accommodate it.

It felt racy as I skipped down through the trees. The it got a little gloomy and I almost paid for trying to step onto a big root to launch myself over some mud. I nearly went. The ankle held and didn’t turn. Thank god! Oh Well I’ll wait for some road! The most frustrating thing Is catching up with a runner who is walking and overtaking them, only for them to charge past just before we exit off the road and onto a path. They begin to walk again after a few seconds. Curses. Another wait now. At 6k I feel that I can push on a little. I can sense that we are closing on the dam. But looking at my watch we still have a bit to go. There must be a loop near the hotel. Turn down a sloping path. There’s the finish!! We’v’e just done over 4 miles. Dam!!
Some great performances. Nic first lady, Rebecca third lady. James our first finisher. Category firsts for: Barry, Graham,Tom, Andy and Trevor. Cat 2’s for: Richard, Louisa and Tracy.
Wilmslow Runners results below:
Pos | Runner | Club | Time | Cat | CatPos |
1 | Simon Myatt | 24:19 | MSnr | 1 | |
11 | James Speedie | WRC | 25:39 | M40 | 5 |
14 | Barry Archbold | WRC | 25:46 | M50 | 1 |
20 | Mark Kirkby | WRC | 27:21 | M40 | 8 |
26 | Nicola Reece | WRC | 28:17 | F40 | 1 |
30 | Graham Screawn | WRC | 28:26 | M55 | 1 |
34 | Matthew Taylor | WRC | 28:42 | M45 | 4 |
36 | Richard Harrison | WRC | 28:49 | M50 | 2 |
38 | Markus Dalgaard | WRC | 28:54 | MSnr | 38 |
45 | Rebecca Jackson | WRC | 29:22 | FSnr | 3 |
60 | Louisa Harrison | WRC | 31:13 | F45 | 2 |
63 | Stephen Greaves | WRC | 31:24 | M50 | 8 |
66 | Garry Morrison | WRC | 31:31 | M55 | 7 |
71 | Diane Bygrave | WRC | 31:35 | F45 | 4 |
72 | Tom McGaff | WRC | 31:38 | M65 | 1 |
80 | Andy Watts | WRC | 32:28 | M70 | 1 |
98 | Tracy Bown | WRC | 33:47 | F55 | 2 |
105 | Amanda Bradbury | WRC | 34:19 | F45 | 7 |
113 | Colin Walton | WRC | 34:50 | M60 | 5 |
176 | Janet Screawn | WRC | 39:26 | F55 | 4 |
182 | Sue Strang | WRC | 39:56 | F55 | 6 |
194 | Patrick Grannan | WRC | 41:08 | M70 | 5 |
218 | Catherine Machin | WRC | 44:57 | F40 | 20 |
236 | Trevor Faulkner | WRC | 58:54 | M80 | 1 |
Well done all who ran. It’s a race we have done a few times in the Summer Series. Tony always liked the Staffs Moorlands races, hence their inclusion in the series. The piper was always a highlight.
Patrick, I hope your new hip is holding up well, particularly over rough terrain – don’t overdo it!