John Porteous writes….
Percy Pud 10k Sheffield 5th December 2021
Some time ago my daughter Olivia called and asked me to run in a local race with her in Sheffield. This is a very popular race and despite almost three thousand runners this year, it sells out very quickly. Between gaining a successful entry and race day, a 60th birthday party in Wilmslow went into the diary. However after limiting myself to a couple of zero alcohol beers and an early exit, I felt in good shape and slightly smug at 6.45am on race day munching my porridge before setting off to Sheffield.
The race starts in an area called Loxley near a pub called the Admiral Rodney, (where we had a good lunch post Sheffield half marathon). They said it was a PB course. They lied. The race goes out towards Bradfield and along the Dam Flask reservoir and then turns back the same way. The first half of the course is similar to my current running season, i.e. slightly downhill. (You’ve used that one before ED).
We didn’t hear any starting gun or whistle and were milling around in our zone and everyone started running so we decided to join in. After rounding the first bend we were woken up by a bitter wind off the moors which probably originated in Siberia. I had agreed with Olivia to run at a pace she was comfortable with and enjoy the race rather than bust a gut and potentially struggle at the end. As we headed towards the 5k mark we were passed on the other side of the road by the top runners well into the second half of their race heading back to Loxley. Awesome pace!
We thoroughly enjoyed the race, well supported by the people of Sheffield. At the end of the race we were rewarded with a family size Christmas pud. If you are looking for a brisk pre Christmas 10k and want to avoid the Christmas pud queue in Lidl, Waitrose, this could be the race for you.
Ist male Omar Ahmad Birchfield harriers MSEN 30.05
1st Female Sally Ratcliffe Aldershot and Farnham AC FSEN 34.14
Olivia and John Porteous Young lady and old geezer 55.22