Training? Recovering let Mona help

A great suggestion from Rebecca below.  It might help to scribble it down on a piece of paper for your first attempt at it. Amazing how tiredness effects counting!  :).


Hopefully it will not be too long before we can all resume Tuesday training in some groups but for now, why not give the Mona Fartlek a go?
Named after Australian marathon runner Steve Moneghetti and apparently he still does this workout weekly.
You can use this workout if you are just getting back into speedwork – the reps are short enough to get your head around and you go at your intensity with equal recovery.
The Mona Fartlek can also serve as a good 20-minute benchmark session every 4-6 weeks by simply comparing your total distance and overall average pace (and heart rate and power, if you’re into those sorts of things) from one attempt to the next.
I’ve just done this session and really enjoyed it- Actually wanted it to last longer!
There are some instances where you can extend the warm up or do a longer tempo run then go into the Fartlek part. Anyway, this is it if you fancy it!
It only takes 20 minutes itself so add in your warm up/cool down and you’re done in 40 mins or so…

2x 90 sec on 90 sec off
4x 60 sec on 60 sec off
4x 30 sec on 30sec off
4x 15 sec on 15 sec off
Happy running team!!


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