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Well are you buzzing? Starts tomorrow.
Please ensure you don’t have more than 15m overall descent in your route. Especially if you are using the bypass!
Runs must be completed between Thursday 00:00AM [! :)] and 12:00 Noon Monday 8th February. But if you are leaving late the time has to be UPLOADED by noon.
Looking at the last round. It is interesting to note that, though Macc had 120 runners against our 103, which gives them a better return of points per runner, we had better average times!!
Overall 68 male Macc runners averaged 23:06, whilst Wilmslow’s 60 men averaged 23:49.
On the ladies side Macc’s 52 ladies averaged 28:42 against our 43 ladies who averaged 25:48.
I think if we can match numbers up the weekend, then we will have a chance of making the final!!
As of 09:00AM this morning Macc has 85 runners already registered; we have 18!!!.
So good luck with registering and running.
We are the only race this week. From Crazylegs
Round 4 Matches:
Band 3 – up to 125 entries per team:
Marple Runners -V- Running Bear Running Club
Macclesfield Harriers -V-Wilmslow Running Club
Round 5 – Finals next week:
Band 1: Just Another Mile -V- We Run Edgworth
Band 2: Stockport Tri -V- Poynton Runners
Band 3: Winners of the semi finals – tbc
Band 4: Chorlton -V- Stockport Harriers
Week after the Final…………mystery week – watch this space!
From Crazy Legs!!
so here we are at end of round 3. We’d like to say a HUGE thank you to all of you guys and your runners for taking part in our Lockdown distraction. We’ve been blown away by the number of people who’ve taken part so far and we’ve been uplifted massively by the brilliant feedback we’ve been getting.
Sadly this is the point where we have to say goodbye to 10 of the teams as we head towards the week of the Finals. We’re not quite ready to let go though so we’re considering one last hurrah in the week after the final. We’ve got a few things to sort out but watch this space.
For those of you who are leaving, thank you once again. We really hope you’ve enjoyed it and that your clubs and runners have had some fun and maybe even got a few pbs for their efforts.
For those that are now looking ahead to their next match, just a few things that might be worth knowing:
1. Runners suddenly seem very interested in inspecting the routes that have been submitted by the opposition as we get closer to the finals – remind your team to make sure their route is valid.
2. Things we’re seeing that might affect your score:
-We’re getting lots of duplicate entries, some done within minutes of each other (one person entered 4 times in 5 minutes and then didn’t run!) If runners check the starter list when they’ve entered and they see they’ve got more than one entry, they just need to email us and we’ll remove the extra ones.
-If they enter but are not on the Starter list – they haven’t pressed the CONFIRM button. It’s not enough to just fill in the entry fields and submit – they have to Confirm as well. If they think they’ve entered but can’t see themselves on the Starter list, they need to email us and we can confirm the entry for them.
-We’ve had a few cases of people choosing the wrong team when they enter. Most people realise they’ve done it and let us know but some don’t realise until they see the results. Again, a quick check of the Starter list once they’ve registered will help with this. When this happens, the other side basically loses one of their places so the sooner we know about this the better.
-People entering who then don’t run for whatever reason. It’s not an issue to us, but there is always a flurry of activity on Monday mornings when people still want to enter but can’t as the match is full. If they know they’re not going to run, even as late in the day as 11:30 on the Monday morning, if they email us we’ll remove them from the list which will then open up that place.
3. One thing to help us get the results out faster at the end of the matches would be for people to enter their times as soon as they can, rather than wait until the Monday. If someone goes out a 2nd time and goes faster, they can just upload that new time in the usual way and the system will update it.
When the match closes, we update any times that have been emailed to us that morning where people have had issues with the upload. This week, most of those issues were caused by the fact the runner hadn’t actually entered, due mainly the things pointed out in point 2 above. We did manage to get most people sorted thankfully.
We’re up and running now for the semi finals for band 3 and bracing ourselves for the final next week!!!!
Those of you who have now left us, thank you once again your teams have all done you proud, those of you resting this week, enjoy the break, those of you mobbing this week, enjoy it and good luck!