For those of you that like a challenge over the Festive period.
If anyone would like to run the club handicap route..
At a time of your choosing on Sunday December 27th.
You must ensure you don’t breach the no more than 6 together rule.
For consistency please start on the track at the bottom left corner of the 1st eleven rugby pitch [as viewed from the clubhouse]
One lap (Clockwise) of the trail. Leaving it when you get to the car park.
Across the car park and take the path just to left of the gates, where the public have created a detour to access to the path bypassing the barrier. Take care it’s four or five steps down a muddy slope.
Down to the Carrs, negotiating either side of the barrier and Over Twinnies Bridge,
Left before the toilets along the path and
Over Bridge
Left at second stile
Up hill to carpark
Cross car park footpath cobble road and onto Altrincham Road
Left, follow road 1k to fork. Keep left through gate towards runway
Left alongside runway
Left along footpath towards Altrincham Road
Left before river and Airport hotel
Follow footpath alongside river, 1k
Up and down steps
Across the mud and up and down hill
Right across bridge
Right fork
Cross bridge up hill then right on footpath at top to the road
On Road downhill, pass Quarry Bank
Onto footpath for 1k
Right at stile, cross river,
Right over Twinnies bridge
Up to club, retracing your path into car park
Then across the car park to run three quarters around the rugby pitch.
Start by running through the car park alongside rugby pitch Straight on to the trail
Immediately Left (on the trail) and run alongside the length of the 1st. team rugby pitch to the starting line
Left at end of pitch, leaving the trai,l onto the grass alongside the pitch [behind the Rugby posts], left again at the end
Along the muddy/gravel path to Finish in front of the covered stand half way along the pitch.
And please remember to not meet in groups of over 6
Take note of your time and log it on your group WhatsApp by the end of the day.
Your times will be assessed on how near you were to last years time.
If you didn’t run please use the time of someone of similar ability who did. And let us know.
All last years times will be posted in a later post.
Diagram to help with start and finish instructions: