While the weather is still warm and you can lie down in the sunshine! Septembers core exercise is:
The Sit Up – The Reverse Curl
The reverse curl uses your lower abdominal muscles
Repeat 30 times.
You can make it more advanced by placing your hands behind your head.
The Stretch – The Advanced Piriformis
The piriformis muscle is a deep muscle located beneath the gluteal (butt) muscles. The piriformis muscle laterally rotates and stabilises the hip. This muscle is important for athletes who participate in running sports that require sudden changes of direction. The piriformis works along with other hip rotators to turn the hips and upper leg outward (external rotation of the hip). Strong and flexible hip rotators keep hip and knee joints properly aligned during activity and help prevent sudden twisting of the knee.
If you do have knee trouble, proceed with caution with this stretch as it is a more advanced piriformis and hip stretch, in which you use your whole body weight to stretch the piriformis, the IT band and other hip rotators. Use caution as you get in to and out of this pose.
Repeat on the other leg.
You don’t have to wait 18 minutes between stretches!!