whisper it and cross your fingers

It’s 9:30pm

After looking at the MobMatch website.  I think we did it. Don’t ask how.  there are some proud mums and dads out there too. Sterling performances from Ava and Qes and others too.

207 Registered runners 75 WRC and 132 Bollington.

193 times 73 from us and 120 from Bollington.

A full house of 15 Cat-1 winners;  and 12 Cat-2 for Wilmslow.

The first 9 times. and 17 out of the first 20.

23 out of the first 30 and 29 out of the first 40.

Whisper it but if I can count [and I have made mistakes before]  I make it {draft/ Unofficial]

WRC 9500   : BH 9221  a lead for us of 279.


WRC 9897  : BH 9606  lead went to 291!

Hopefully no updates.  Let’s wait for the official score tomorrow!

That if confirmed is a Fantastic, almosy a miracle, result.  Just like the 300!  I had us losing around 6pm.

So proud of you all.


results here



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