Having a strong core and flexible muscles helps you to run more efficiently and to avoid injuries. This Sit Up and Stretch! series of exercises from Carolyn provides some more ideas in order to keep your exercise programme varied, something new each month. So here we go.
Specific v general stretching?
Various trips to see my own physio who specialises in sports injuries, reminded me to tell you that all the stretches demonstrated in the newsletter are general stretches to maintain good posture and flexibility. However, all of us know that running causes some niggles that will not go away with general stretching. If you have a persistent problem, do seek advice from a specialist, who will give you individual exercises for your own specific problem.
Why the Sit Up….?
Building up your core cranks up the power.
But beware – Danger!!! – subcutaneous belly fat lies above the abdominal muscles, determined to hide your washboard six-pack stomach. And EVERYONE is at risk…… But do remember that a runner needs fuel and recovery, so each of us must find the balance that works best. It’s not a sin to eat, and personally I’m still enjoying my Easter Eggs!
The exercise: Sit up – Rowing boats
The stretch – piriformis and thoracic spine
Thank you Carolyn.