Hill Running is good for you

Hill Running is really  good for you.

We mostly do our running on flat, even ground. But hill running offers you something more. Amongst other things the key to greater speed is leg muscle strength. Running hills improves that because of the extra effort required in propelling your body weight upwards against the force of gravity. Your calves, quads and glutes will be the main areas to benefit, because all of these muscle groups have to work even harder than on the flat.

Lower body sculpting and toning is something that regular hill runners enjoy, as well as injury prevention. Many runners suffer with shin splints as a result of repeated sessions on the flat. Running up an incline alleviates the pressure on shins and again, thus reducing the risk of injury. Stronger muscles are less likely to pull or tear.

The effort required to defy gravity increases your aerobic capacity. You need to work harder and so do all your organs, especially the heart. As a result, you will eventually need less oxygen to run further and faster. Research conducted at the Nike research lab, found that running up an incline as small as 1 degree, increases energy costs by 12 per cent. That is enough to slow you down by 10 seconds per mile, but the intensity of that extra workload is what makes it so good for you and will help you burn calories by the bucket load.

Hills also speed up your stride pattern and leg turnover. You are looking to establish a light, regular, co-ordinated rhythm as you run uphill That kind of running form is perfect for hills, but you will find your form on the flat improves with greater running economy and speed. Confidence is another by-product. The dread that many runners experience when they round a corner and see a slope will just disappear. You will be mentally tougher and take comfort from a confident technique. Like distance running, endurance is also added to your training. If you can run a mile up a slope, two miles on the flat will suddenly seem like a walk in the park.

In tandem with distance running together, as part of a varied training plan, they will help you achieve longer distances in faster times. Increased endurance, strength, economy and speed are major benefits.

My Hill Rep used to be jog to the bottom of Macclesfield Road in Alderley Edge. Then 30 seconds running up the hill. Walking recovery of 30 seconds; run, walk repeat. Build up your repeats, lessen the intervals if necessary. Recovery would be jog to the top and then return downhill at leisurely pace.

Remember  downhill running poses its own set of challenges—and rewards.  Perhaps I’ll do something on that at a later date! 🙂

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