Lower body workout – Rebecca’s

It may sound/look quite advanced but I’m sure most of you are familiar with the exercises. If not give them a quick google or send Rebecca a message and she can facetime/record to demonstrate.

It requires weights and resistance bands if you have them but most can be done with body weight, you may just need to do more sets/reps, or improvise with household objects like tins, or kilos of toilet roll and pasta

The whole thing takes around 45mins-1 hour depending on how long you want to rest in between and use to stretch.

Enjoy 😉

Equipment– Dumbbells, kettle bell, resistance band, chair, mat

Warm up

Pulse raiser (3-5 mins- jogging on spot, high knees, heel flicks, side step with hamstring curl, lunge with spinal rotation, inch worms

Activation 15 reps of each (use resistance band if have one)

1a.Glute bridge

1b. Single leg glute bridge

  1. Prone kick outs (band around ankles)
  2. Squats
  3. Crab walk (side steps in a squat position)

Main session

  1. Kettle bell squats (slow temp- down for 4, hold at bottom for a count of 1 and up for 4)

3 sets of 12 reps

 2a. Single leg deadlift (kettlebell or dumbbell)

2b. Kettlebell swing

2c. Kettlebell deadlift

3 sets of 15 reps

  1. Bulgarian split squat (lunge with back foot elevated on chair) Use dumbbells or bodyweight

3 sets of 12 reps on each leg

 4a. Calf raises (with dumbbells or bodyweight)

4b. Weight shifts (stay up on tip toes and dorsi flex one foot at a time)

3 sets of 16-20 reps

5a. Seated abduction with resistance band x

5b. Sumo squat (add dumbbell/ kettlebell)

3 sets of 12-15 reps

  1. Side lying clam (with band)

3 sets of 12-15 reps on each side


3 sets of 20 reps

 Cool down

Don’t forget to stretch!!

For example: Full body lengthening, lying glute, lying hamstring, cobra, childs pose, standing quad and stand calf.

I should have gone to spec-savers!



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