Food after training next Tuesday 6th November

Food will be served after training on Tuesday 6th November when Fran will be serving Chicken or Vegetable Curry. If you definitely want to eat please email Julie on before noon on Monday 5th November  indicating if you want a vegetarian portion. Julie will confirm all emails with a reply: if you don’t receive a reply please send the message again, or text her on 07971 870429.

The cost is a bargain at £4, but if you want, you can pay £5 and carry over £1 so that after 4 weeks you get a “free” meal. The people on a free meal are Adam N, Andrew W, Don B, Graham S, Ian A, Jan W, Jon B, Leanne B, Mick F, Rob D and Sally P.

If for any reason you cannot make it to the club after booking a meal, please can you let Julie know asap, so we can adjust the numbers for Fran accordingly. If you have to cancel let Julie know by email or text on 07971 870429 asap.

Hope to see you all next Tuesday

Julie & Paul

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