Round the Reservoirs

Wednesday June 14th.

Does anyone else have a problem with the results?   I permanently wear a Fitbit which gave me a time of 43:33. My Garmin also gave a time of 43:33. My official time is half a minute slower. The person who finished in front of me was given a time of 43:33. It looks like a misalignment of names and times.

We also have two Gail Hills, which some might regard as a luxury, but sadly no Sally Gilliver.


54 Paul Norris 35:30
63 Paul Garnett 36:25
72 Janine Ellis 36:49
87 Gareth Trimble 37:48
99 Sally Price 38:11
112 Gail Hill 38:47
114 Mark Crossland 38:54
130 Nicky Mowat 39:53
142 John Porteus 40:45
157 Catrina Marshall 41:34
173 Gail Hill 42:43
175 Janet Wyles 42:41
187 Ian Ashcroft 44:02
196 Julie Lucas 44:59
198 Simon Fenton 45:09
225 Sue Strang 47:03
231 Don Bullough 47:50
242 El;speth Gibson 49:26
243 Chris Cannon 49:48


  1. I think the Gail Hill that finished in 38:47 is a rogue entry 🙂 (only joking Gail). My official time is 5 seconds slower than I recorded Ian, so maybe there was some misalignment. [Mark]

    • john_porteous

      Hi Ian

      My Garmin said 38.05 which would have put me top in Group three. On a more serious note I had 40.31 so the official time was 14 secs slower.
      PS I thought Gail was unique??

      • I think it is a misalignment of names and times. My Garmin recorded 36.13, which was the time given to the runner in front of me.

  2. My Garmin is 41.22, faster than recorded but doesn’t affect position, providing Sally is inserted ahead of me.

  3. Lol the one and only ‘Gail Hill’ had 38.45 on her watch

  4. Lol the one and only ‘Gail Hill’ had 38.45 on her watch :-))

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