Club training facilities : The trail

A number of people have asked me about the trail recently and it is something that I have discussed with Tony and Paul over recent weeks.

Personally I think its a fabulous facility and one that we want to make the most of : it offers a variety of winter sessions from which we all have benefited .

Some upgrade is currently needed and the plan is below :

  1. All weeds are to be treated and removed
  2. A machine will be used to reclaim the full width of the trail.
  3. Professional guidance is being taken on the exact substance of grit needed to provide both a strong bond but also some give and bite.
  4. In a similar manner we will take advice on quantities needed .
  5. Once we have tackled each of the above a machine will deliver the grit
  6. The quantities will determine how we tackle the spreading of the grit but we accept that a machine will be needed to complete the finish which will be rolling the grit in and flattening to allow for high quality training .

We are starting the process as soon as the weather allows and will complete as quickly as possible but not in way that compromises on what we aim to achieve .

We hope to have as much as possible carried out using both professional help and equipment . If  there is any need for any help I am sure that we will rise to the challenge .

Once complete we will have the trail back in pristine condition which will only improve our abilities through Tony's sessions .



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