
I’ve recently discovered this website which has easy to use and fairly comprehensive results and rankings database for the last couple of years.  You can filter by club, name, age category etc. so that you can see your national ranking and perhaps more interesting what your rivals are up to.


It is limited by its fairly high entry standards across all categories but in total 25 Wilmslow members make the grade.  And as I’m sure Tony would say you can always try running a bit faster…



  1. There may well be more than 25 potential WRC entries as upon checking a couple of results , some are missing . You need to check that you meet the criteria on the tab at the top of the site. It does invite missing entries to be subnitted. Ironically the races relating to the missing performances were available via the site and included the missing data !!
    nick b

  2. The results are mainly extracted from those published in Athletics Weekly which themselves aren’t always accurate or complete. The developers of the site seem keen to receive additions, corrections and suggestions.

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